I got stripped
How do you feel when you are stripped off your clothes. I mean literally. To me it felt funny ;).To give some background to this incident, everyone here(residendial housing complex for graduate students at UCSD) does their laundry in a common room which has 'lots' of washers and 'lots' of driers. I usually go once in two weeks with my load of clothes to get a clean and refreshing new set, ready to be soiled again, in another two weeks. This laundry room also has a 'table of commons'(TOC), that is for, if you dont need something and feel that it might be useful for others, you leave your stuff on the TOC and anyone who wishes can take possession. Generally, it happens, that people are shy to pick stuff from TOC and prefer to do it when no one is around.
So coming back to my story. Today morning, as I was entering the holy place to collect my washed and dried laundry back, a guy in his twenties passed by me in swift strokes that some how signified he was guilty of a crime. Bit surprised as I walked in, on the next step I saw the TOC on my right. On this there was a small pile of clothes and things got into perspective, as I figured out that he was searching through the pile as I was about to enter. He did not want me to see him doing his scavenge hunt so left slyly. Slighly aloof from that pile of clothes was one shorts that just caught my eye. That is because, I had exactly the same shorts I use for soccer, and I knew that it was of good quality. I just said to myself, after collecting my clothes, I will have a look at those shorts, and maybe if it is indeed of good quality and condition, sneakinly grab it...(oops, did I reveal something?). It so happened, that right most corner of my eye, got a glimpse of another jeans, that looked exactly like the one I had. When my head turned right, and I had the full picture in both of my eyes, it struck me that, THAT whole lot of clothes, where no one else but mine!!!. Someone took out my clothes from the drier and had kept it on the Table Of Commons. "F***! these are mine", I went and clumsily started to collect as if each one of the clothes would vapourize the next moment!
So I went back and did a status check, to find, that I was stripped off my clothes. This is the tally of things I was able to remember that was 'stolen'.
1. 3 Lowers - One in extremely bad shape, and two almost new
2. Two jeans - One in extremely bad shape, and one okayish
3. Three sweat shirts - Two in extremely bad shape, and one new
4. One tshirt - Okayish
..and still counting. I regret I dont have a count of my underwears, to have my laugh.
To all the people who are reading this and live in mesa. Dont ever leave your clothes overnight in the washroom. You might be stripped off yours too. :)